Risk management
Vestigium supports you and your team in the integration of risk management in your operational and strategic processes. We identify the risks your company faces and advise on how to manage these risks.
Do you have all business risks under control? Or do you think it’s hard to understand which risks have to be point of focus? A profound risk assessment is the first step in the setup of a risk-control system and the implementation of control measures.
Your organization faces several risks. To capture all risks on a systematic manner is a challenging assignment. It’s possible that you face the following challenges:
- How to perform a structured risk assessment?
- How to involve the entire organization?
- How to clearly define the risks?
- …
vestigium works with you to develop a tailored risk assessment.
Vestigium supports you and your team in the integration of risk management in your operational and strategic processes. We identify the risks your company faces and advise on how to manage these risks.
We provide you with a framework to facilitate the identification of possible risks for your organization. We focus on five important risk aspects:
1. Risk governance
2. Risk assessment
3. Risk quantification and bundling
4. Risk monitoring and reporting
5. Risk and control optimization
We stimulate out-of-the-box thinking by providing several exercises. This also identifies the less obvious risks.
What is the ultimate objective of your company? Which aspects can prevent you from attaining this goal? We help you to identify enterprise-wide risks.
Together with the employees of the company we perform a brainstorming session on the causes of the events (preventing from attaining the company goal) and the likelihood of occurrence.
Based on the likelihood of occurrence of a certain event or risk for the company and the impact this event can have on the organization, we set priorities. These priorities should be the focus for risk mitigation.